Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Amazing Ant(Man)

This is how ants look like after being placed inside the refrigerators. Dead. Operative word: look.

I once bought cupcakes that I forgot and left on top of the kitchen sink. The next day when I found them, they were already full of ants. AAaargh!

Because I love cupcakes and was so looking forward to enjoying them, I tried to save my dessert by putting it inside the refrigerator. My thinking was, the ants will not survive the cold and once they're dead I could easily remove them from my treat.

And so I patiently waited, and a few hours after, took out my cupcakes with the ants no longer crawling all over my precious food.

Because I dont want my cupcakes cold and hard, I let it get back to room temperature first. Waited about 15 minutes and then I started to eat. Oooops. Something, or a lot of somethings, were moving on my cupcake. The ants are alive!!!! I cannot believe my eyes at first - but they are really alive.

And so I did my research. Why did the ants come back to life????

Turned out that Ants are cold blooded - their body follows the same temperature as that of their surrounding. Thus - when placed in the refrigerator, their body temperature will become very low as well - and they will cease to move. But despite how they appear to be - they are not yet dead, just hibernating. 

Cool, right? Hahaha. Pun not really intended.
So, I think you'd agree with me that ants are real amazing creatures - they are hardworking, strong, and now we learn that they are also able to get back from the dead. No wonder there is now a superhero movie based on them.

PS. Unfortunately I lost my appetite for my cuppies and they were just wasted. So so so disappointing. Tsk tsk tsk. Additional lesson learned: 

Never leave sweets out in the open.

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